Brrrrrtttttt.... Do I smell pancakes? Welcome to Fart Sumo where you fart to your heart's desire like your life depends on it. Play as a sumo wrestler and knock your opponents off the ring! I hear you ask "What if I ran out of gas?", well just take a deep breath and uh, I don't know,  charge your thrust and get back into the fight!

"WASD" to move and "Space" to well uhh... fart.

Player 2: "IJKL" to move and "H" to fart.

Be sure to visit the tutorial to master The Art of Fart-Jutsu.

Known Issues:
1. In story mode, the dialogue boxes do not register mouse clicks. Click anywhere above the dialogue boxes to progress.
2. In Local Multiplayer, the y-axis input for Player 2 was inverted, we are very sorry about this :(


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bro i was eating wth 💀